Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Please, God!

Sorry I flaked on yesterday's post.  We all had a 4-day weekend and it honestly slipped my mind.  Enjoyed every second of being with my little family!

So, let's talk prayers today.  How do you make time for prayer when you're constantly bombarded by math homework, cooking dinner, looking for dance tights, and washing clothes?  Or is that just me?  Seems like some days, my only prayer is, "Please, God, get me through this day!"


  1. I say my morning prayers in the shower, and try to remember to say quick prayers throughout the day (asking God for help, thanking him for things, etc).

  2. So glad to hear I'm not the only one! I do my best praying in the shower. And I try to have an ongoing conversation with God all day long. I love spending time in the Adoration chapel, but don't always make it a priority to get there. I do have a couple apps on my phone that I love using. Laudate is my favorite. It has anything you might need on it...daily readings, various prayers, Vatican documents, an examination of conscience, etc. I also have Rosary-Ave Maria. It's an interactive rosary that leads you through the mysteries for the day.

    1. I really envy your technical skills! My biggest technological accomplishment regarding my prayer life is that I read the daily Mass readings online. (I know, not too impressive!)

  3. Sometimes doing something nice for one's family is a prayer by itself.

    God bless.

    1. I totally agree! How we serve God varies depending on our vocation. It would not be appropriate for a mother caring for young children to spend hours in contemplative prayer rather than tending to her children, while it would be appropriate for a cloistered nun.
