Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Better Half

Since my hubby has been laid off, he has become an awesome Mr. Mom for our kids and for me.  He helps in the mornings before school, he keeps the kitchen clean, and usually has something cooking when we get home from school.  All these things are awesome, but it's the little things he does that really touch my heart.  He's been known to clear my windshield of ice and snow so I don't have to do it in freezing weather.  He rubs the kinks out of my neck when they bother me.  But most of all, he's always my biggest cheerleader, encouraging me to follow my dreams.  Let's brag on our men today.  What's something he's done for you lately, big or small?


  1. My husband has had. very little downtime lately. He's been putting in a lot of extra hours at work, and when he's home he has had a lot of things to work on (like setting up the new laptop, dealing with a basement flood from our washer, etc). And when he's all caught up, he spends time with my son, who is going through Daddy withdrawal. He does all this cheerfully, without complaining about his lack of downtime. He always seems to put us above himself.

  2. This week, my hubby has lovingly put up with some major PMS and also helped our daughter with a school project, without complaint. Also, he has done whatever he can do to help around the house since I am reading/judging an essay contest, with the scores due Friday. Just got the call...our third snow day tomorrow. Yay!
