Saturday, February 8, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, Jesus makes a demand of be the light of the world.  Some days, this is certainly a daunting task.  When have you been successful at this?  Big or small, I'm sure that our Lord sees our efforts and knows our hearts.


  1. The times when I feel most successful are when I feel good about the job I'm doing as wife and mother. I believe that God's highest calling for me is in my vocation as wife and mother, and that's the area that he most wants to use me to bring salt and light to the world. So that's where I need to focus most of my efforts.

  2. I completely agree, Claire! If our homefront is running smoothly and everyone is content, then I'm doing something right. On a side note, thanks for the prayers today. Our middle school youth group was a hit! We all had a great time AND reflected on today's gospel and how we could be the light of the world. Makes my heart smile when young people get it!

    1. That's great news! I'm glad that it went so well.
