Thursday, May 1, 2014

All Praise and Thanksgiving

Today is an exciting day for our diocese!  Our new bishop will be ordained at 2 p.m. this afternoon.  We've been without a Shepherd for a year now and we are all so very thankful to once again have a leader.  Welcome to Kansas, Bishop Carl Kemme!

In celebration of his ordination, he has proclaimed Friday a day of praise and thanksgiving in our diocese.  So all Catholic schools, diocesan offices, and parish offices are closed.  Can you tell we love him to pieces already???  ;) 

What are you thankful for today?  What in your life does God deserve praise for? 


  1. Wow, that is exciting! I can't believe your diocese was without a bishop for a whole year. We had a new bishop ordained a few week ago. Our former bishop (who is now bishop emeritus) stayed right up until the new one was ordained. EWTN covered the ordination, which I was very surprised about. Thankfully our new bishop seems very faithful to the magesterium, so we're excited about that. Enjoy your day off today!

  2. That's wonderful! How great to have tomorrow declared an official day of praise & thanksgiving in honor of your new shepherd! We were without a Metropolitan (Archbishop) for 2 years when our former Archbishop died & it was with much excitement that we welcomed our new Archbishop in 2012.

    I am grateful for our good health & for the upcoming celebration of my parent's 50th wedding anniversary. To surprise them, my siblings & I are arranging to have 50 Masses offered for them during the 50 days leading up to their anniversary. My younger brother spoke with a priest friend in Rome yesterday who will offer Mass for our parents in St. Peter's Basilica, as well as obtain a papal blessing for their anniversary.

  3. How fun to get a day off for the new bishop! Reminds me of Fr. O'Malley dismissing the kids from the schoolyard in "The Bells of St. Mary's."

    What a beautiful anniversary gift, Pilgrims! Such a lovely idea.

    Today I am grateful for our health, our friends, and the bobwhite who has been visiting our backyard for the last week. :)
