Saturday, May 3, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we see Jesus meet two of the disciples on the road to Emmaus.  My favorite passage is after the disciples ask Jesus to stay with them in the village since nightfall is near.  As Jesus blesses and breaks bread with them, "their eyes were opened and they recognized him."  I love this!  Fr. Andy, just last weekend, told our second graders that during the Eucharistic prayer, their eyes should always be on Jesus.  And when the bells ring, they should look to the Blessed Sacrament and pray silently, "My Lord and my God!"  How beautiful! 

What stands out for you?


  1. In the homily today, the priest talked about how we all are prone to missing Jesus in our midst. This is definitely true for me. I get way too preoccupied with thing that really aren't all that important in the big picture. I pray that I will become more focused on Jesus and less distractable.

  2. Not related to this weekend's reading...but I thought it was neat today at the First Holy Eucharist celebration of our friend's son that the priest had a beautiful reliquary of Pope St. Pius X & he shared how this Saint encouraged more frequent reception of the Blessed Sacrament as well as lowering the age of receiving in the Western Church from 12 to about 7 years old (the Eastern Churches retain the tradition of Baptism, Chrismation/Confirmation & Holy Eucharist together soon after birth).
