Friday, August 22, 2014

Our Normal Routine

Apologies for my absence.  There were a couple weeks when I just did not have a single second to do anything but prepare my classroom, write lesson plans, and get the kids ready to return to school.  Then I had trouble getting into my blog account.  Now I'm finally able to sit for a minute and take a deep breath.  Aaaahhhhhhh!

I hope everyone is doing well.  We are finally back into our school routine.  Our dog is not very happy with us, being gone all day long.  But the kids love on him all night so it's all good.

Have any of you been challenged to do the ALS ice bucket challenge?  I only ask because there has been a lot of talk between our Catholic friends about whether to donate to the ALS Society.  They apparently fund embryonic stem cell research.  So if we are challenged (is it bad I'm hoping that I'm not???), we will be donating to the John Paul II Medical Research Institute.  They do great work there...with ADULT stem cells.  I challenge you to do the same if you find yourself under a freezing cold bucket of water.  ;)

Prayers to you as we enter the weekend.  I know our family can certainly use the rest after our first full week of school and homework.  Blessings!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Gospel Reflection

Jesus feeds the crowd with only five loaves and two fish, with leftovers.  A couple things come to mind.  First, we can all make do with way less than we have.  As I look around our home, I sometimes wonder where everything came from and why we have so much "stuff." We're getting ready to prepare our house to sell it.  I'm most looking forward to purging everything we don't need and starting fresh in our new house.

Secondly, there were leftovers!  There is always a way for us to help others, even if we perceive that we don't have enough to give.  My husband has been laid off three different times in the last five years and we've tried really hard to continue giving to others.  Even laid off, we know that we are abundantly blessed.

What stands out for you?

Friday, August 1, 2014

Friday Fun Day

Any exciting plans this weekend?  We'll be attending the Midwest Catholic Family Conference.  So excited!  Tim Staples will be there, as well as Dr. Gregory and Lisa Popcak. Looking forward to some quality time with the family.  If you'd like to see more info on the conference, go to  Our diocese is certainly blessed to host this every August!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Hand or mouth?

I saw an interesting post on Facebook this week advocating for everyone to receive the Eucharist by mouth, as to keep reverent the reception of our Lord.  Some of the commenters even went so far to say that we should kneel while receiving and only receive from a priest because his hands are the only hands that are consecrated.  I immediately began researching and ended up reading Memoriale Domini.  From what I read, it seems that reception in the hand is allowed only in certain instances.  Does anyone know of an "updated" document from the Church?  I'm trying to figure out when or if the teaching of that document changed.  What is the norm in your area?  How do you receive?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


We have nothing on the agenda today and I love it.  My in-laws are still here and it's rainy outside.  So we are officially hanging out.  I'll make cheeseburger soup for dinner tonight.

Do you also love "nothing" days?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Terrific Tuesday!

Let's share something terrific that's happened to us lately.  Ready, set, go!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Crock Pot Meals

Do you have a favorite crock pot recipe to share?  I need to do some meal planning before school starts and some days, the only way we have a yummy, hot meal in the evenings is if I turn on the crock pot.

Please share!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we hear Jesus describe the kingdom of heaven as a treasure buried in a field, "which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."  This description makes me think of our kids.  They accumulate so many "things" that they seldom remember everything that they have.  And then we clean their rooms and it's like Christmas all over again.  Same with me...I fill my days with so much sometimes, I forget what's truly important.  And when I'm either thrown into a crisis or actually find a moment of stillness, I am able to reconnect with our Lord and remember just how blessed I am. 

What spoke to you?

Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday Fun Day!

What's going on with you this weekend?  We're getting our daughter back from my parents.  I can't wait to hear about all her adventures with her cousins in Texas!  We'll also be shuttling a friend's daughter back and forth to her choir performances since our friends are taking a trip...with no kids...for the first time since they've had kids.  I'm looking forward to a couple slow days before I get back into the swing of getting my classroom ready for the new year. 

Can't wait to catch up with everyone!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we hear the parable of the mustard seed.  We also hear the story of the man whose wheat crop is infiltrated by his enemy with weeds.  That part spoke to me the most.  Our new priest is stressing the importance of the domestic church.  He has shared four steps in keeping your family holy.  Step 1--Go to confession once a month.  Step 2--Attend Mass at least one extra day per week.  Step 3--Pray as a family every day.  Step 4--Surround yourself with others who are trying to do the same.  The story of the weeds made me think of how easy it is for my environment to influence me.  I need to strive to keep the weeds out of my life.

What spoke to you?

Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday Fun Day

Fun plans this weekend?  Our son is turning 13 on Saturday.  I just don't know how time has flown by so dang fast.  Seems like just yesterday I was walking the mall and eating Mexican food, trying to induce labor.  He was perfectly fine hanging out in the womb.  Thirteen long, hot days after his due date, the doctor had to use forceps to get him out.  Haha!  He did NOT want to come out!  We will be going to eat and play arcade games at his favorite restaurant.  He's outgrown the birthday party with friends phase, so we'll celebrate as a family this year.  He's growing up so fast!!!

Hope everyone has a great Friday!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

What do we do with the children?

Watching the news of the children coming across the border is heartbreaking.  I can't even imagine being in a situation where my only hope was sending my child on a miles-long trip with questionable people.  What is being said in your area of the country?  Any talk of housing them in your area?  There's no talk here in our state.  But I have read that in some parts of the country, the Catholic Church is stepping up (just like always) to help. 

Your thoughts?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wacky Wednesday

So let's share funny stories today.  Anything funny happen lately at your house?  Some days, it seems that all we do around here is laugh.  Both of our kids are hilarious and keep us in stitches...thank goodness.  Can't wait to hear your stories and laugh with you!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Middle of July already???

This summer is flying right by!  I've actually starting working in my classroom already.  It really makes me sad.  Seems like we just finished the last school year.  I don't feel like I've had enough free time with my own kids.  Darn it!  Before we know it, we'll be back in the swing of things.  :(

When do your kids go back to school?  Our first day back is August 13!

Monday, July 14, 2014


Apologies for missing a couple days.  Don't know where my head was.  Hope everyone had a great weekend!  What's on tap for this week?  I'm meeting with Fr. Bernie again to continue hashing out some things.  And hopefully, I'll get my kids to open a book this week.  ;) 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Lots going on....

I have a lot of things going through my mind today.  My sister and her family need prayers.  My brother-in-law's father was found dead in his house on Tuesday night.  Totally unexpected and he just lost his mom earlier this year.

I'm also in the process of "re-organizing" our ministries in the parish with our new priest.  He and I are meeting once a week to work through everything.  My brain is mush when we're done, but it's been really nice to spend time with him and get to know him better.

I'm also stressing a little.  My parents live 11 hours away and our daughter (9 years old) wants to go and spend a week or two there so she can be spoiled and play with her cousins.  The momma in me is freaking out a tad.  It's soooo far!  I really want her to go and have fun, but am finding it hard to cut the apron strings.  ;)

Okay, I'll stop there.  I could go on and on.  My brain doesn't seem to stop lately.  Thanks for letting me ramble.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Oh, my head!

I had another migraine yesterday.  I used to have one a month, could watch my chart and tell you when it was coming.  But they seem to be increasing.  When they strike, I immediately take meds and head to bed.  It seems the only surefire way to get rid of them is to sleep them off.  Ugh!

Anyone out there have any other ideas?  The more natural, the better.  Thanks!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Wish me luck.

Our summer schedule has been crazy since we've been out of school.  So today is the day we try to do some organized chores, school review, reading, etc.  Please, Lord, be with me as I wake up the children at a normal hour and then...gasp...ask them to do some things around the house.  ;)

Are you a little lax in the summertime, as well, when it comes to chores?

Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy Monday!

My hubby has the day off today, so we're hoping for a fun day.  First, we're off to the vet to pick up Freddy.  He spent the weekend there while we were out of town.  Then I have a couple errands to run.  We're grilling fajitas for lunch and then the boys will be mowing grass.

What's on your agenda today/this week?

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Gospel Reflection

"Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest."  In my mind, this is one of the most comforting verses in scripture.  Jesus tells us, once again, that He will always be there for us.  When I was a teenager, I dealt with some female health issues and said many prayers when I was in pain and needing comfort.  And I always felt His presence with me.

Just recently, on our flight home from Baltimore, our daughter was really suffering with the lack of pressure.  She was in tears.  She turned to me and asked me to pray for her.  Be still my heart!  I'm beyond thrilled that my children also know the healing power of God's love.

What stood out for you?

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Independence Day!

God has truly blessed our great nation.  May we always remember that our gifts come from Him.  Hope everyone has a wonderful celebration today!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Guilty Pleasures

Do you have any? I certainly do!  Watching Big Brother with my hubby, cherry creamslushes from Sonic, and reading into the wee hours of the morning to finish a great book...just to name a few.  What about you?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Holiday Plans

Anyone have exciting plans for the holiday weekend?  My hubby got a surprise extra day off on Monday because they'll be doing some computer updating that day.  So we're heading to Kansas City for a couple days of fun with the kids.  Hopefully, we'll catch a fireworks show.  We're also going to try a couple restaurants that were featured on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives on Food Network.  We are a "live to eat" kind of family, so that's right up our alley.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July already???

July makes me think of Independence Day, fireworks, baseball, homemade ice cream, our son's birthday, my big sister who has a birthday this month, and also my grandma.  We spent many summer nights growing up doing fireworks in the street and then heading to my grandma's house (five houses down) and having hand-cranked ice cream.  Yummy! 

What memories do you have of warm summer nights?

Monday, June 30, 2014

It's the little things....

I think I've mentioned that my older sister had a massive stroke a year and a half ago.  She has slowly been making progress in her recovery and we're thrilled to pieces to still have her with us on this earth.  Just in the last week, she made dinner for her family twice and was able to go to the bathroom by herself.  When I think of the things I complain about or get my feathers ruffled about, I try hard to think of her and thank God that I am able to wash dishes, sweep floors, and go potty (even if I still have visitors when I'm in there!).  Certainly puts things into perspective for me. 

Years ago, I was in a Familia group with ladies from our church.  If you haven't heard of it, please look it up.  We studied the encyclicals of the popes during a three-year commitment.  Anyway, one of the things we'd do every time we met was to set "goals" based on what we'd read that week.  One of those times, I remember writing that I would strive to not complain about my husband's shaving "leftovers" in the bathroom sink, because if they weren't in there, it would mean he wasn't in my life.  I try really hard to keep up with that promise and not let the little things bother me so much.

What about you?

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This Sunday, we celebrate Sts. Peter and Paul.  We hear Jesus literally begin our Catholic Church.  "And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church."  My parish growing up was St. Peter the Apostle so I grew up knowing just how important Peter was to our history.  We had the upside down cross hanging outside our building to remind us that Peter wouldn't allow his killers to crucify him as Jesus was crucified.  In a weird turn of events, I find myself teaching and being the DRE at St. Peter the Apostle parish in anther state and town.  Apparently, Peter is meant to be in my life.  ;)

What stands out for you this weekend?

Friday, June 27, 2014

Back to the real world....

Our vacation was fantastic!!!  Could've stayed in D.C. for a month and still not seen it all.  The wedding was beautiful and it was great to be with almost all of the family.  Couldn't have asked for a better time!

Now I'm back to refereeing between the kids, washing clothes, cooking, and working part-time (from home).  As soon as we get into the swing of things, it'll be time for me to head back to school for in-service.  Summer is flying by!

How are you?  What's been going on with everyone? 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Still dark....

It's 4:37 a.m. and we're waiting to board a plane.  It's finally my cousin's wedding weekend in Baltimore!  Our flight leaves at 5:30, so I thought I'd touch base before we leave.  I'll be busy for the next week, but please use this post to keep in touch.  I'll try to check in when I have a chance.  Please pray for our safe travels and good health.  You'll be in my prayers, as well.  God bless!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Rain, rain, go away....

Don't get me wrong.  We have desperately needed rain, but it has been raining for four or five days straight.  We canceled a trip to the pool on Friday and have basically been inside since then, except for Mass and a grocery store run.  What do you do when you're rained in?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I scream, you scream....

So now that it's summer, let's talk ice cream.  What is your favorite flavor?  Brand?  Do you make it at home?  My mother-in-law bought us a really nice ice cream maker a couple years ago.  So we'll be pulling it out and trying some different recipes this summer.  As for buying it at the store, we buy Blue Bell.  We're originally from Texas, so there's no other brand for us.  ;)

Monday, June 9, 2014


Thought I'd share my favorite prayer with you today.  There's just something about these words that connect with my heart.  What is your favorite prayer?

Soul of Christ, sanctify me
Body of Christ, save me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me
Water from Christ's side, wash me
Passion of Christ, strengthen me
O good Jesus, hear me
Within Thy wounds hide me
Suffer me not to be separated from Thee
From the malicious enemy defend me
In the hour of my death call me
And bid me come unto Thee
That I may praise Thee with Thy saints

and with Thy angels
Forever and ever


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Gospel Reflection

Happy birthday to our dear Church!  We celebrate Pentecost this weekend.  Jesus appears in front of the disciples and "breathed on them and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.  Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.'"  What a beautiful image!  We see the institution of the sacrament of Reconciliation.  I'll be the first to admit that I do not enjoy going to Confession, but when I leave, I always feel better.  What about you? 

Do you have any special traditions in your family to celebrate Pentecost?

Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday Fun Day

What's on tap for your weekend?  Any special plans?  Yummy meals?

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Happy Summer!

Well, our summer has finally started.  We've made it through recital and my parents' visit.  We've slept late two days in a row and spent yesterday afternoon at the pool.  Just something about water and sunshine that makes my heart happy.  I apologize for the few days off. 

So what's been going on with you?  Is everyone done with school yet?

Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Fun Day!

What's going on in your neck of the woods this weekend?  We have dance recital and then we'll be relaxing with my parents.  The weather is supposed to be nice, so we're hoping to do some grilling.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Crazy Lady

Anyone else go crazy before company arrives???  My parents are arriving today and I have a meeting for work this morning and dress rehearsal for recital this afternoon.  So the house had to be ready by the time I left today.  Aaaaahhhhhh!  They're my parents and they love me no matter what, right?  Their bed and bathroom will be spotless.  And they know we have two kids and a dog.  Right?

Whew!  Thanks for letting me get that out.  ;)  Are you as crazy as me?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Boogie Shoes

Dance recital madness begins today at our house.  Stage blocking this afternoon, dress rehearsal tomorrow afternoon, a show on Friday night, and another show on Saturday night.  And yes, I'm the backstage mom for our daughter's class.  It's a crazy time, but I enjoy every second!  I danced growing up and even taught while I was in college.  So it makes my heart happy to see our daughter enjoy it, as well.  I'll never forget when she was around six years old.  We were getting ready for the show to start.  She looked at me with a huge smile on her face and said, "Mommy, this is my time to shine!"  Yes, dear child, it is!

What sorts of activities do your kids participate in?

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Happy Tuesday!

Hi, ladies!  I spent Memorial Day in bed with severe allergies.  This has been our worst year in a long time.  Feeling human again this morning, thanks to many drugs and some extra sleep.

If I would've posted yesterday, I would've shared about the veterans I love.  My grandfather spent 26 months as a POW in a German prison camp during WWII.  My dad was stationed at Gitmo during Vietnam.  A dear friend was sent to the first Gulf war.  My brother-in-law was called up during the last Iraq war.  And although Memorial Day is a day to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, I can tell you that no soldier comes back from war the same as they left.

My grandfather battled the enemy in nightmares until he died.  He was deathly afraid of flying because of the old, falling apart plane the Germans flew him in from Africa to Germany.  Our friend who served during the Gulf war is but a shell of the young man he used to be.  They were exposed to some different chemicals and vaccinations that had not been used before.  When he returned, he was so sick.  He went round and round with the VA, but the government never officially classified the illness that he and so many others suffered from.  So he has been battling addiction ever since being "let go" by the system.  He is currently living in a group home because he can't take care of himself...and he's 45!

I grew up in an extremely patriotic family and my kids are growing up knowing that so many people have sacrificed so we can enjoy the freedoms we have.  I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day!

Tell us about your favorite veteran.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Gospel Reflection

I will not leave you orphans.  I can't think of one single time in my life when I truly felt alone.  Even in my darkest moments, I've always known that God was with me. I wonder how non-believers make it through tough times.  This passage also reminds me that no matter how I mess up, Christ is there with mercy and forgiveness.

What stood out for you?

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday Fun Day

Hi, ladies!  Please forgive my lack of posts this week.  I haven't had one free moment between wrapping up the school year, 8th grade graduation Mass, finishing the yearbook, etc.  We dismissed the kids at 11 a.m. today and our summer has officially started!  We'll say goodbye to Fr. Andy this weekend as he leaves to attend to his health.  We'll also do some more cleaning around the house.  My parents will be here next week!  We are so excited!

So what's been going on with you?  Any big plans for the holiday weekend?

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Planes, trains, and automobiles....

We're planning a trip to Baltimore for a family wedding this summer.  Our kids have never flown so I'm a tad nervous about how it will go.  Our daughter is afraid of loud noises, although she has gotten better over the last year.  But she was the first one to say she wanted to fly instead of drive when we asked them about it.  So my question this morning is...what have you done with your kids while traveling to ease their nervousness or simply make the trip more bearable?  Any tips or tricks you'd like to share?  Our kids are great car travelers, so I'm hoping a 2 1/2 hour plane ride will be a piece of cake.  A girl can hope and pray, right?  ;)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Gettin' close!

It's the last week of school!  It's the last week of school!  Can you tell I'm a tad excited?  As a teacher, I'm so ready for a break from lesson planning and grading.  As a mom, I can't wait for no homework!  As a DRE, I'm thankful to have the summer to renew my spirit and have a chance to prayerfully plan for next year. 

What do you do to celebrate the end of the school year?  Any special traditions?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Gospel Reflection

"I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  As a Catholic, I have to say that this passage always reminds me how lucky we are to have the Blessed Sacrament.  Any time I'm struggling with something, a dose of daily Mass can usually either clear my mind or calm my inner turmoil.  What a perfect gift from the Father...His only Son! 

What are your thoughts on this weekend's gospel?

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday Fun Day

What's going on with your family this weekend?  We, again, have nothing on the calendar.  So I'm sure we'll be cleaning in anticipation of my parents' visit in a couple weeks.  Hoping to finally get those grilled fajitas from my hubby and maybe I'll find time for a nap.  ;)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

Just some random makes my heart melt when I hear our kids talking "baby talk" to the new puppy.  My kitchen is a wreck and laundry is overflowing this week since we've had a busy couple weeks.  I'm hoping to talk my hubby into grilling fajitas this weekend.  I've had to turn off the news lately because it just depresses me.  And I desperately miss my grandparents!  My grandpa's last living sister died last week at 96 years old and it's had me thinking about them every second of the day. 

What's going through your mind today?  Is it as random as my thoughts? 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What about music?

I was lucky enough to grow up in a household where music was important.  We all played an instrument and my parents shared their love of music with us around the house, in the car, and even in my grandpa's bar on Sunday afternoons or the KC Hall on Friday nights.  So if you looked at my MP3 player today, you'd find quite an assortment of tunes, from Percy Sledge to the Eagles to Gregorian chant to the Urban Cowboy soundtrack to the latest line dances. 

What do you love to listen to?  What gets you motivated to clean around the house?  Or in the mood to exercise?  Or in the mood for some romantic time with your spouse?  Do you and he have a special song?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Escape for Two Hours

Seen any good movies lately?  We haven't.  I think the last movie we saw in the theater was Lone Survivor.  It was awesome!  With summer coming up, I'm starting to make my Netflix list of things to watch while we're out of school.  What would you put on the list?

Monday, May 12, 2014

Summer's Almost Here

The weather here has been really nice lately.  The kids at school are definitely ready for vacation.  And ditto that for the teachers!  Has me dreaming of lazy summer days....

What is your perfect summer day?  I would sleep in and then head to the pool.  After the pool, we usually stop and get the kids ice cream and I get a vanilla cherry Dr. Pepper.  Then we head home, take showers, grill dinner, and just relax.  We're lucky that our kids don't need a lot of "entertainment" to be happy.  So they are thrilled to hang out at the house. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we hear Jesus explaining how He is the "gate for the sheep."  All I could think while reading this passage was, "Thank goodness!"  I just can't imagine a life without my faith and the constant love of Christ.  I am friends with a former teacher on Facebook and he happens to be an atheist.  He's never disrespectful, but I find myself having to defend the belief in God.  Luckily, I'm not the only one on "our side."  Certainly keeps me on my spiritual toes!

What stood out for you this weekend?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday Fun Day

For the first time in months, I have NOTHING on my calendar for this weekend!  Aaaaahhhhhh!  We'll probably do some decluttering (we're trying to get our house ready to sell) and lots of relaxing.  The weather should be beautiful, so maybe we'll do some grilling.

What's on tap for you and your family this weekend?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Kids say the funniest things....

Yesterday, I was at the pet store with our daughter buying our puppy a bed to keep in my classroom since he's coming up to school with me everyday.  Yes, I have an awesome principal!  ;)  When I asked her if she was going to pay for the bed, she said no.  I jokingly said, "You need to get a job!"  Her response?  "I have a job, but I don't get paid.  You know, I go to school.  It's like an internship."  Haha!  She's nine, going on fifteen and keeps us laughing. 

What has one of your kids said lately that had you smiling? 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mother's Day Tributes

Well, this Sunday is Mother's Day, so I thought we could share stories of our moms.  My mom was a teenage mother, yet did everything in her power to make a great life for her and her girls.  She sacrificed much so that all four of us could have what we needed and, most of the time, what we wanted.  She wiped countless tears, sewed hundreds of dance costumes, and fed us delicious food.  There has never been a moment when I doubted her love for me and I just hope that I make her proud every single day.  I'm blessed to still have her on this earth and can't wait to see her at the end of May when her and my dad are coming for a visit.

Do you have a special story about your mom?  And happy early Mother's Day to each of you!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Tonight, forty-seven of our young people will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.  I remember my Confirmation being one of the first times I can remember really being moved by the Spirit.  I knew it was an important milestone, but it was a surprise that it touched me so deeply. 

What do you remember about your Confirmation?  What saint name did you choose and why?

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Gift of Grandparents

Today would have been my grandpa's birthday.  I'm sure he's having a glorious celebration in heaven with my grandma.  He died in 2000, but I still miss him like he was here yesterday.  My grandparents lived only five houses down from us so they were our second set of parents.  We spent just as much time, or even more, at their house than our own.  I could list for days the things I learned from him.  I still remember the day we sat on the swing set in the backyard and he taught me how to whistle.  He taught me that even when I did something I wasn't supposed to, he still loved me like crazy.  I knew that when he got home from work at the end of the day, I could reach into his chest pocket and find a pack of gum.  But most importantly, he showed me how a husband should treat his wife.  He wasn't an overly affectionate man, but I would sometimes walk into the kitchen and find him sneaking up behind my grandma at the stove and kissing her neck.  And when my grandma backed through not one, but two new garage doors, he never raised his voice or made her feel bad.  He simply got in the car, went back to Sears, and ordered a new one.  He worked hard to provide for his family and he never met a stranger.  He was known to send a certain granddaughter (I won't name any names) into the bathroom for a "time-out" and bring her a chair to sit on so she'd be comfortable.  Dang, I miss that man!

What memories do you have of your grandparents? 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we see Jesus meet two of the disciples on the road to Emmaus.  My favorite passage is after the disciples ask Jesus to stay with them in the village since nightfall is near.  As Jesus blesses and breaks bread with them, "their eyes were opened and they recognized him."  I love this!  Fr. Andy, just last weekend, told our second graders that during the Eucharistic prayer, their eyes should always be on Jesus.  And when the bells ring, they should look to the Blessed Sacrament and pray silently, "My Lord and my God!"  How beautiful! 

What stands out for you?

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday Fun Day

What does your weekend look like?  Our second graders are making their First Communion on Sunday afternoon and I'm speaking at a neighboring parish on Saturday evening.  Other than that, I'm hoping that our family will have some time to relax.  What about you?

Thursday, May 1, 2014

All Praise and Thanksgiving

Today is an exciting day for our diocese!  Our new bishop will be ordained at 2 p.m. this afternoon.  We've been without a Shepherd for a year now and we are all so very thankful to once again have a leader.  Welcome to Kansas, Bishop Carl Kemme!

In celebration of his ordination, he has proclaimed Friday a day of praise and thanksgiving in our diocese.  So all Catholic schools, diocesan offices, and parish offices are closed.  Can you tell we love him to pieces already???  ;) 

What are you thankful for today?  What in your life does God deserve praise for? 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Gotta love puppies!

We're patiently waiting on a call back from a farmer who has puppies for sale.  We had a lab mix for eleven years before we had to put her to sleep after having a stroke.  Our kids have been asking for a new dog since then (four years ago!).  We've put it off, mostly because we (the adults) weren't ready for a new dog.  But then the middle school Science teacher got a new puppy and everything changed.  She brought the puppy up to school the week that we buried Ally and it did wonders for the kids in the building.  The classes took turns taking him outside to play during recess and he made himself right at home in the school office during morning Mass.  And, of course, our son FELL IN LOVE!  Our son has anxiety issues and we noticed how calm and happy he seemed when telling us about playing with Dozer. we are waiting on the phone call to see if we can adopt one of Dozer's brothers.  The puppy is half Australian Shepherd and half Great White Pyrenees, so he'll probably be around 80-100 pounds.  But we love big dogs and we have a huge fenced-in backyard, so we're good to go.  Hopefully, by this weekend, we'll be the proud new family of a stinkin' cute puppy. 

Does your family have pets?  Are your kids in charge of the day-to-day care of them? 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Do you have perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in your area?  Our parish has an adoration chapel and I always have high hopes of making it over there "in my spare time" to just be with our Lord.  What's the problem, you ask?  I can't turn my brain off when I get there!  I don't like reading while in there, even though it's spiritual reading.  My goal is always to pray unceasingly while in the chapel.  But I just can't do it.  I start out praying, but invariably, end up mentally going through my grocery list, chores I need to do when I get home, lesson plans, etc.  Anyone else have this same issue?  What do you do to quiet yourself so that you might actually HEAR God every once in a while?

Monday, April 28, 2014

Love Our Priests

We recently found out that our parish priest is leaving us at the end of May.  His health has been in decline for almost a year, so he's heading to the retreat center in Rochester, Minnesota so that he can be treated at the Mayo Clinic.  We are sad to lose him.  He is one of the most compassionate men I've ever met.  He will do anything he can to help someone. 

What do you love about your priest?

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This Sunday, we see Jesus appearing to the disciples.  Thomas, not being there, does not believe they've seen Him.  So Jesus appears again and allows Thomas to touch His wounds.  I've always thought that I would be just like Thomas.  I would have to see the evidence before believing it with my whole being.  But Jesus said, "Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed."  I pray that I can become more like those, that I can wholeheartedly believe without seeing. 

What stood out for you?

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday Fun Day

What's on tap for your weekend?  I have another busy one.  First Eucharist retreat on Saturday morning and a Confirmation Rite on Sunday morning followed by Confirmation practice.  I'm looking forward to May so that I'm able to spend more time at home with my family.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Like weeds!

Our kids are growing like crazy.  We shopped for Easter outfits last week and I had to buy our son men's size 9 shoes.  What???  Needless to say, neither of them have many pieces of clothing from last summer that still fit, so we'll be shopping more in the near future.  Where do you find the best bargains for your kids' clothes? 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hot or cold?

I noticed something funny yesterday.  When I was younger and we were first married, I was always cold and my husband was always hot.  It was a constant tug-of-war with the covers on the bed and a battle with the thermostat.  Well, yesterday I kicked the ceiling fan up a notch and my hubby complained because he was cold.  Haha!  These peri-menopausal hormones are kicking my butt!  Can anyone relate?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Where has the time gone?

We are feverishly preparing our second graders for First Eucharist.  The school year is almost done.  Our daughter's dance recital will be here before we know it.  And all I can think is how in the heck is it already the end of April?  Anybody else lamenting the fast passage of time?  Seems like just yesterday I was holding a positive pregnancy test with our son...and he's turning 13 this summer!  How??? 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014


As we celebrate the Easter Triduum, I will not be posting so we can all take some time to reflect on Jesus' Passion and celebrate His Resurrection.  I pray that your family has a most holy weekend and a joyous Easter Sunday.  God bless!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Prayer Request

Could I please ask for a few more prayers?  My great niece, Braylee, was born with a heart defect nine weeks ago.  At that time, the doctors said they would wait until she was 6-9 months old before doing heart surgery to fix it.  But she's been losing weight and her heart valves are deteriorating faster than they thought.  So she's scheduled for heart surgery tomorrow morning at 7 a.m.  Her dad, my nephew, is only twenty-one and not married yet to Braylee's mom.  They and the doctors could use all the prayers we can give them.  Thank you so much!

Is there anything we can pray about for you?  If so, please share.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What are you reading?

I am a book lover and always am in the middle of one or two.  So what have you read lately?  Anything you can recommend?  Any book you've read and would steer us clear from? 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter Baskets

What do your children usually receive in their Easter baskets?  Here, we do the usual candy and chocolate bunnies, but also a few small items.  Sometimes, it will be a new movie or book and other times, it will be a new spring outfit.  Our daughter is thrilled when she gets new shoes and our son loves video games.  For the grown-ups, we receive our favorite chocolates, music CDs, and books.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we share in the Passion of our Lord.  At the beginning of Mass, we'll hear about Jesus entering Jerusalem, surrounded by the crowds waving palms.  What has always struck me about this reading is the fact that the same crowd that lays their cloaks on the ground and welcomes Jesus as their king turns their backs on Him just a few days later.  What in the world happens in those few days to make those people completely change their minds about our Lord?  And would I have done the same?

Just something to think about.  What stands out for you?

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday Fun Day

Any big plans for the weekend?  I have highlights and a haircut on Saturday morning and I can't wait!  It's been almost a year since my last highlights, so I am definitely overdue.  And I just love being able to sit under the warm dryer and read a book in peace.  A little slice of heaven!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Green Thumb?

Do you have a green thumb?  I do NOT!  My grandparents were the best gardeners ever.  Almost everything we ate there came straight from the garden.  I would love to have a salsa garden, but I just don't know if I'm up for the challenge.  Anyone garden-challenged like me or do you have an abundance of fresh veggies?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Where did you and your husband honeymoon?  Anything really exciting happen while you were away together?  Funny stories? 

We honeymooned in New Orleans.  We're both from the south and both Cajun French, so it was a no-brainer.  We are in LOVE with that city!  We spent an entire week sleeping in, eating awesome food, and just wandering the French Quarter listening to local music.  We were married over spring break (I was a senior in college), so we happened to be there for St. Patrick's Day.  Our hotel room had a balcony and we were able to watch the parade go by.  Aaaah, what memories!

What about you?  Please share your story.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Anyone suffering with allergies?  Things are slowly, but surely blooming around here and we're going through tissues like crazy.  I endured seven years of allergy shots and STILL have a runny nose.  It doesn't help that I'm allergic to most trees and grass.  Any helpful hints to keep the sniffles away?  I've read that a teaspoon of local honey every morning helps.  Please share your home remedies!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we see Lazarus raised from the dead.  The part that stands out for me is that Jesus went to the tomb of Lazarus and wept.  Yes, he had a normal human reaction to the death of his friend.  This passage has brought us, as a school family, great comfort this week as we bury Allie.  We know that Jesus knows exactly how we are feeling.  What caught your attention?

Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday Fun Day!

We have a busy weekend!  Our parish is hosting our Diocesan Stewardship Conference tomorrow and our R.C.I.A. class will celebrate the Scrutiny at Mass on Sunday morning.  Hopefully, by Sunday afternoon, I'll be napping for a bit.  What's going on at your place?

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Looking ahead....

What do you cook for Easter dinner?  We live 11 hours away from our families, so we're usually home and celebrating with just us.  Sometimes we like to bake a ham and all the fixings.  Other times, we'll do a roast or baked chicken.  Just depends.  What about you?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hubby Time!

Okay, today is our day to brag on our husbands.  What does he do for you that makes you want to jump for joy?  What makes your heart smile?  Large or small, please share.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April is here!

What is your favorite part of spring?  Mine is the first day I can open up the windows and air out the house.  What about you?

Monday, March 31, 2014

Let's brag!

I don't know about you, but I find myself trying so hard to make sure our kids are doing their homework, keeping their rooms clean, etc. that I sometimes forget to stop for a moment and realize what precious gifts they are.  So what have your kids done lately that have you amazed?

I'll start.  Our son has some academic issues and also suffers with anxiety, so it was quite amazing that he was able to do the Responsorial Psalm at school Mass a couple weeks ago.  As he proclaimed the Word, I thought my heart would burst!  I am so super proud of him!

And our daughter continues to amaze me by doing what needs to be done with her school work without having to be asked.  She has my love for reading and in the first two days of this new quarter, she had all of her Accelerated Reader points for the rest of the school year.  I love that girl!

Now it's your turn.  I can't wait to hear all about your wonderful kids!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we see Jesus healing the blind man.  What a joyous miracle!  For me, when I look back over the last year, it is filled to the brim with miracles.  It began in January when God saved my sister from a massive stroke and then healed her of the things the doctors were sure were permanent.  Then my dad was able to find his birth family after 60-something years.  And of course, my husband found his new job just before his unemployment benefits were to run out.  These are all substantial, but the little things are just as important.  What a miracle it was the day our son figured out that if he studied enough, he could make an A on his vocabulary tests!  And I can't forget those times when our daughter says just the right thing to brighten our days.  And I wake up each and every morning thanking God for the miracle of my husband's love for me, even when I'm not very loveable. 

What are the miracles in your life?

Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday Fun Day

What's going on this weekend with your family?  Something fun and exciting?  Please share!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Lenten Meals

So what are you eating on Fridays this Lent?  We've done cheese pizza, crab casserole, and fish sticks.  What about you and your family? 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Married Fun

What do you and your spouse do for fun together?  You know, once in a blue moon, when you have a chance to do something without the kids, what is your go-to activity?  Let's share ideas in hopes that we all have a chance to use one or more soon.  ;)

We enjoy movies, so we try to do that every once in a while.  Our other favorite activity is going to the shooting range.  We both love shooting, so it's a fun time together.  We also have one restaurant reserved as our "never bring the kids with us" restaurant...Bonefish Grill.  We go as often as we can get there and enjoy a quiet dinner.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Welcome back!

Okay, so I took a few days off for spring break and then had a sick husband and then had to get things together for said husband to head out of town for new job training.  Soooo, I'm finally back.  I hope you all had a wonderful week last week!  We did a lot of relaxing (until the stomach bug hit).  It was really great to just spend some time together before hubby goes back to work.  We have a busy week this week, with taekwondo, dance, hubby's trip, Lenten meal at church Friday night, and a Confirmation Rite and session on Sunday.  So we'll be going through the motions.  Not ideal, but sometimes it's all we can do. 

How are things in your neck of the woods?  Anything exciting happen last week that you want to share?  Any prayer requests?

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we see Jesus, Peter, James, and John on the mountain.  Jesus is transfigured before them.  My favorite part?  "And when the disciples raised their eyes, they saw no one else but Jesus alone."  I long for those moments when I raise my eyes and all I see is Jesus.  It seems that worldly things keep me struggling to keep only Jesus before me.  Lord, help me.

What stood out for you?

Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday Fun Day

What's going on at your place this weekend?  We are officially on Spring Break!  Looking forward to staying up late and sleeping in and no worries about homework. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Cleaning Products

Anyone use homemade cleaning products?  Willing to share your recipes?  I'm especially interested in washing detergent that can be used in an HE washing machine.  Thanks!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Where did the time go?

Today is my beloved's birthday and tomorrow is our 21st anniversary!  Where in the heck did all that time go?  Thinking back over the years, we have certainly had our ups and downs, but never, not once, have I ever doubted my decision to love him.  I am so grateful that God chose me to be his wife and the mother of his children.  He is my rock and I hope I am his.  He can still put butterflies in my tummy and make me laugh at the drop of a hat.  There is no one else I would rather walk this journey with but him. 

So, let's talk stories from our weddings.  Anything funny happen at yours?  At our wedding, when it was time to go to the unity candle, I took off and left him.  He had to wait for the train of my dress to go by before he could join me.  Haha!  Then at the reception, our photographer had to leave early, so we did the whole "throw rice and drive away" thing, drove around the parking lot, and then rejoined the party.  ;)

Can't wait to hear your stories!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring Break Fun

Our kids will be on spring break next week and we're looking for something fun to do with them.  We may take a short trip to see family, but may end up staying in town and doing the zoo or the children's museum.  What do you do for fun in your area? 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we see Satan trying to tempt Jesus.  The one line that stands out for me is when Jesus replies, "The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve."  I certainly don't worship other gods, but I do find myself being drawn to other things in life that take me away from God...TV, computer, phone, etc.  It seems that I need a constant reminder to let those things go and focus on God.  Thankfully, our Lord is merciful and knows me better than I know myself.  What stands out for you?

Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday Fun Day

Sorry I missed yesterday.  I was in bed sick for a couple days.  I have great news today.  My husband accepted a new job this morning!  Thank you for every prayer sent our way.  We would have never made it through the last eight months without your prayers and support.

So now on to the weekend...big plans?  I have the Rite of Election on Sunday afternoon with our RCIA group.  Other than that, we plan on celebrating our good news by just spending time together.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

To dust we shall return....

What are your thoughts on this Ash Wednesday?  Have you ever had an unusual experience while wearing your ashes?  Do you, like me, feel bad when it's time to wash your face to go to bed?  ;)

And could you please keep my husband in your prayers today?  He has his interview this morning.  Thank you!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Laissez le bon temps rouler!

Let the good times roll!  It's Fat Tuesday!  Let's celebrate!  Can you tell I'm Cajun French and grew up in the south?  Today is a party for our family.  I have many fun memories of parades, beads, and king cake.  What are you doing to splurge on this day before Ash Wednesday? 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Kids and Lent

Let's share ideas today.  How do you include your children in your Lenten devotion?  What sorts of activities do you do as a family?

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Gospel Reflection

I love this weekend's gospel reading!  You all know we're praying for a job right now and it is quite comforting to hear Christ remind us that there is absolutely no need to worry about things.  "Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself."  Thank you, Jesus!

What spoke to you?

Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Fun Day

What's going on this weekend at your house?  Any big plans?  Something special happening?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cleaning 101

I would love for our family to have a set schedule around the house when it comes to cleaning.  As it is, we wash clothes as the dirty basket fills up and vacuum when we notice the carpet needs it.  What do you do at your house?  Do you have a schedule or fly by the seat of your pants, like we do?  Any and all ideas are welcome!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

For Better or For Worse

My husband has been laid off since last July.  For many reasons, it really stinks.  But most of all, it stinks because he sometimes feels useless and down on himself.  I've done my best to keep his spirits up and love him through it all.  But he is really getting discouraged.  This is the longest he's ever been laid off before and it's starting to wear on him.  How do you keep your hubby in good spirits?  What really makes his day?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Breakfast anyone?

Do you eat breakfast?  Every day?  What constitutes a healthy breakfast for you?  I'm usually in a rush in the morning and end up grabbing whatever I can eat in the car on the way to work.  And I detest oatmeal!  So I'm looking for healthy ideas that are quick and yummy.  Please share!

Monday, February 24, 2014

School Days

Just doing a little unscientific research here....  I'd love to hear what is being said about the new Common Core curriculum adopted by many states.  Did your child's school adopt it?  What about your area Catholic schools?  What is the word on the street in your neck of the woods?

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we hear Jesus teaching the disciples to love everyone, neighbor or enemy.  For the most part, I find this pretty simple and straightforward.  But I do struggle, not with loving everyone, but certainly with liking everyone.  What about you?  Did something else stand out to you in this Sunday's gospel?

Friday, February 21, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Grocery Shopping

Where do you grocery shop?  Do you use coupons?  Where do you find the best deals?  Please share.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lessons From Daddy

I don't know my biological father.  When he and my mother divorced, he walked away and never looked back.  Luckily, my mom remarried when I was three and he adopted my older sister and me and has been Daddy ever since.  When I think back, he taught me so many life lessons that I still carry with me today.  Most of all, he taught me about what kind of man I wanted to marry and be the father of my children.

What do you hope your children learn from your husband?  What has he already taught them?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Please, God!

Sorry I flaked on yesterday's post.  We all had a 4-day weekend and it honestly slipped my mind.  Enjoyed every second of being with my little family!

So, let's talk prayers today.  How do you make time for prayer when you're constantly bombarded by math homework, cooking dinner, looking for dance tights, and washing clothes?  Or is that just me?  Seems like some days, my only prayer is, "Please, God, get me through this day!"

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we hear Jesus clarifying some of the commandments.  The passage that caught my heart was when He says that we must reconcile with our brother before offering our gifts.  How many times have I done the work of God, with the best of intentions, while still harboring a grudge or carrying an unresolved conflict on my shoulders?

What stood out to you?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday Fun Day

Happy Valentine's Day!  Hubby and I don't usually trade gifts, so we'll probably just spend some time together after the kids are in bed.  We do give the kids a little treat.  This year, our son is getting a heart box filled with beef jerky (his favorite).  And our daughter is obsessed with Duck Dynasty, so her chocolate-filled heart has Uncle Si on the front.  Of course, we will have brownies and/or cake for dessert.

What are your plans for tonight?  This weekend?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Happy Home

As a working mom, I quickly realized that I can't do everything and that my house will very seldom be magazine cover worthy.  However, there are certain things that I like to have done before my head hits the pillow.  I must be able to walk through the living room without tripping on something and the kids must be prepared for the next morning, school clothes laid out and book bags packed.  What has to happen for you to rest easy at night?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Young Love

I was 18 when my hubby and I started dating.  I was in my freshman year in college and he was a cute, older guy (he was 21 and a senior!).  We were set up on a blind date and never looked back.  I didn't doubt for one second that God sent me the man He intended for me.  The bad news?  We went to different colleges, two and a half hours apart.  Needless to say, we burnt up the telephone lines and highways between the two as much as we could afford.  In between those times, we wrote letters...lots and lots of letters.  He would try and make sure I had something in the mail every couple days.  One of the things he would send me is cassette tapes.  He would record his thoughts about school, family, our relationship, etc.  I would play them while laying in my dorm room, aching to be in the same room with him.  I still have those letters, tucked away in a small trunk.  And when either of us feels like we're drifting apart, we write letters to the other.  It allows us to share our thoughts and feelings while also bringing us back to that time when we were young and newly in love and just couldn't bear to be away from each other.

What memories do you have of your dating days with your spouse?  What can you do to bring you back to those days and those feelings?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Staying Healthy

I've seen a lot of publicity lately about heart health for women.  Always makes me think about what I can do to keep myself healthy.  What do you do?  Take vitamins?  Exercise?  Share your tips and tricks.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Our kids are in a stage right now...the "I only want corn dogs or pizza for dinner" stage.  It makes my head spin!  I'm not one of those moms who make the kids sit at the table until they eat their broccoli.  Maybe I should be.  How do you get your kids to eat what you cook?  What are your kids' favorite meals?

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, Jesus makes a demand of be the light of the world.  Some days, this is certainly a daunting task.  When have you been successful at this?  Big or small, I'm sure that our Lord sees our efforts and knows our hearts.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Fun Day!

We are finally back at school today after three snow days.  What's going on in your neck of the woods?  Big plans for the weekend?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

I love sweets!

It's Mardi Gras season at our house and Valentine's Day is coming up, so let's talk dessert. What is your favorite?  Your hubby's favorite?  Feel free to share a recipe.  I won't complain. ;)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Better Half

Since my hubby has been laid off, he has become an awesome Mr. Mom for our kids and for me.  He helps in the mornings before school, he keeps the kitchen clean, and usually has something cooking when we get home from school.  All these things are awesome, but it's the little things he does that really touch my heart.  He's been known to clear my windshield of ice and snow so I don't have to do it in freezing weather.  He rubs the kinks out of my neck when they bother me.  But most of all, he's always my biggest cheerleader, encouraging me to follow my dreams.  Let's brag on our men today.  What's something he's done for you lately, big or small?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Girly Treats

A friend asked on Facebook today if there was such a thing as too many pairs of boots.  While I don't have too many pairs of boots, I do enjoy treating myself every once in a while.  I love stopping by my favorite bakery for a salted caramel cupcake.  I live for the day I can get my hair cut and colored.  And don't get me started about how happy I am when I find a new pair of jeans that fit AND look good.  ;)  How do you pamper yourself?  When is the last time you took a moment to do something just for you?  Are you overdue?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Family is everything!

As I sit here watching halftime of the Super Bowl, our kids are in the other watching a movie and one on his tablet.  Sadly, our children don't share our love of football.  Still haven't quite figured out how that happened!  But we do share other loves.  We all love a good road trip.  We love watching movies.  And we all love supporting our hometown minor league baseball team.  What does your family love to do together?  What is a special tradition you all enjoy?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we see Mary and Joseph presenting Jesus in the temple.  They willingly did what God asked of them and then went back to Nazareth where "the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him."  Luke 2:40  How do you pass the faith onto your own children?  How was the faith passed on to you?

Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday Fun Day

Today is our wrap-up of Catholic Schools Week.  It's been a long and crazy week, but we enjoy it so much!  This afternoon, our staff is surprising the kids with a flash mob during the staff vs. 8th grade volleyball game.  Should be a fun time!  What's on your mind today?  Have something fun planned for the weekend?  Want to share a success from this week?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Soup's On

What are your go-to easy meals?  Favorite soup recipes?  Yummy Super Bowl snacks?  Please share!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I do!

We all know that we must make a daily decision to love our beloved, but sometimes it's easier said than done, right?  What can you do TODAY to show your spouse just how much you love and appreciate him?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Being a woman is great, right?

Okay, I'll just put it out there.  We use Natural Family Planning and I have a love/hate relationship with it.  Whew!  Felt good to say that out loud.  It has blessed our marriage more than I can tell you, but lately it has become a thorn.  Anyone else out there struggling with NFP?  Other health issues?  Need prayers? 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Bless the Little Children

We have two wonderful children who always pick up after themselves, eat their veggies, and never ask for anything.  Okay, so not true!  They do pick up...when we ask them.  They never eat their veggies, except for our dear daughter who actually likes broccoli.  And it seems like we're forever fighting the "Can I have...?" in the checkout line.  All that being said, would I trade one single second?  No way!  I wasn't one of those young girls who dreamed about a wedding and kids.  Truthfully, I didn't even see myself getting married.  God obviously had other plans and blessed me with the best husband ever...and then sent us two children made just for us.  They share our quick wit and love of sarcasm, our obsession with 80's music, and would pick staying in their pajamas all day on a Saturday over doing most anything else.  Many days, I just look at them wonder what in the heck I did so right to deserve such gifts.  What do you have in common with your children?  What are you struggling with right now?  What have they done to make you proud lately?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we see Jesus walking along the Sea of Galilee and calling Simon and Andrew to His ministry.  They, along with James and John, left everything and followed Jesus.  What do you need to leave behind in order to grow closer to God?  What is detouring you on your way to Heaven?  How can you start TODAY to change your path?

Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Fun Day!

What's on your mind today?  Big plans for the weekend?  Date night with the hubby? 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

What's for dinner and where are my socks?

Am I the only one who detests putting clean clothes away?  The washing and drying, I don't mind.  Even the folding isn't so bad.  But getting those piles in their rightful place is beyond torture.  And what about dinner?  I love the planning of meals, sometimes I actually enjoy the grocery shopping, but there are afternoons when I just can't make myself go into the kitchen.  What are your household struggles?  Successes?  Tips and advice?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

For Better or For Worse

I'm sure we all recited these words when we were married.  I know I was floating on a cloud of love and happiness, not once thinking that there would be any "worse."  Well, twenty-one years later, we have certainly had our share of struggles, as well as an overabundance of love and happiness.  At this point in time, we are struggling through my husband's unemployment, but also celebrating our children's success in school and our ability to laugh at just about anything.  What's going on in your marriage right now?  Need us to pray for you?  Chime in....

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

I pray that everyone had a fantastic Christmas!  We traveled and saw friends and family.  We had a great time, but it sure is nice to be home.  I am still finalizing details for this website (along with doing lesson plans and planning RCIA, Baptism, and youth ministry meetings).  For now, why don't we share something that touched us over the holiday season? 

All of our family lives in the epicenter of the H1N1 epidemic, so we were a tad weary about going there and possibly exposing ourselves to something ugly.  But we persevered and had a wonderful time.  As I continuously prayed for our good health, I was constantly reminded of Joshua 1:9..."I command you: be strong and steadfast!  Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go."  I struggle with anxiety and felt like I was heading right into the lion's den.  But, as usual, the more I prayed, the calmer I felt.  God never fails to show me his enduring mercy and love.

We were also able to celebrate the new year with my older sister.  It was one year ago on December 30 that she had a massive stroke.  The doctors held no hope and eventually asked us to make some heart-wrenching decisions.  But our family and friends began praying for Fr. Emil Kapaun's intercession on her behalf.  If you haven't read his story, please run to and delve right in!  Within a few hours, she was giving us a thumbs up and nodding her head.  The doctors are still baffled by her recovery.  She still has some paralysis on her left side, but all her faculties are there.  It was such a blessing being able to spend the afternoon at her house, surrounded by family, knowing that God had truly provided a miracle to us this past year.

I pray that the new year has been good to you, thus far.  And I pray that God will continue to bless our families, our communities, and our country throughout 2014.