Saturday, May 10, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we hear Jesus explaining how He is the "gate for the sheep."  All I could think while reading this passage was, "Thank goodness!"  I just can't imagine a life without my faith and the constant love of Christ.  I am friends with a former teacher on Facebook and he happens to be an atheist.  He's never disrespectful, but I find myself having to defend the belief in God.  Luckily, I'm not the only one on "our side."  Certainly keeps me on my spiritual toes!

What stood out for you this weekend?


  1. I have always loved the imagery of Jesus as the gate. May your witness to your friend on facebook plant a seed of the gift faith in his heart.

    In the Eastern Catholic Churches, this 4th Sunday of Lent is dedicated to Christ's healing of the paralytic, from the Gospel of St. John. The man is healed by Christ while waiting to be put down into the pool of water. The Church reminds the faithful that through Baptism in the Church we, too, are healed & saved by Christ for eternal life. Jesus reveals Himself as the Merciful Savior who frees the man from his lifelong ailment. We share in the joy of this at our Baptism when the same Savior washes us free from sin & makes us whole through His grace. Thus His life-giving death & glorious resurrection free us from the crippling effects of sin & recreate us in the image & likeness of God. In Church, we are told, together with the paralytic, to "sin no more that nothing worse befall you" (John 5:14).

  2. Sorry to be chiming in late (it was a busy weekend). I have always loved how Jesus takes on the roles of both sheep and shepherd, representing (and improving) us in the role of obedient sheep, and representing his father in the role of shepherd. I've heard of some people getting offended by the sheep imagery, interpreting it to mean that we are stupid. But it doesn't bother me at all. Compared to God (and even the angels), even prodigies are stupid. And look at all the stupid things humans do. There's a lot to be said for a good dose of humility.

    1. " There's a lot to be said for a good dose of humility."

      Well-said claire!
