Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Planes, trains, and automobiles....

We're planning a trip to Baltimore for a family wedding this summer.  Our kids have never flown so I'm a tad nervous about how it will go.  Our daughter is afraid of loud noises, although she has gotten better over the last year.  But she was the first one to say she wanted to fly instead of drive when we asked them about it.  So my question this morning is...what have you done with your kids while traveling to ease their nervousness or simply make the trip more bearable?  Any tips or tricks you'd like to share?  Our kids are great car travelers, so I'm hoping a 2 1/2 hour plane ride will be a piece of cake.  A girl can hope and pray, right?  ;)


  1. If this is their first time flying, then they will probably be too excited and curious to cause any trouble! Last summer I flew to NY with my daughters, and we made a pre-trip excursion to Barnes and Noble to get magazines to read on the flight (HGTV and the like for me, anything with One Direction for them!). I also bought each of them a new DS game to enjoy while traveling. Your kids will do great! Have fun!!

  2. Forgot to mention that I also brought along Spot It! on our NY trip last summer. I highly recommend that as a travel game -- it comes in several versions, takes up no space, and can be played alone or with a group in a number of different ways. It's really fun! A regular deck of cards is great to travel with also.

  3. Baltimore sounds like a fun trip! I saw the Orioles play the Yankees (Go Yanks! My dad is a New Yorker.) at Baltimore stadium eons ago. The Baltimore Aquarium is supposed to be really great. Our older children have only been in small planes flying over our town for a junior aviation event sponsored by the local Civil Air Patrol. For those of you who have flown with children...I am curious as to how you deal with the TSA x-ray/pat-down issue?

  4. Pilgrims, regarding the TSA -- my feeling is there's really not much you can do. Complaining or possibly even joking about it could call attention to yourself. We just quietly went through the scanner and that was that. The girls were clearly traveling with me, and my guess is that I looked too harried and stressed to be anything but their mother!
