Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Fun Day

What's going on this weekend at your house?  Any big plans?  Something special happening?


  1. My husband is working tomorrow, but instead of his normal Saturday schedule of 10 am-6pm, he'll be working noon-8. We are hosting a playdate tomorrow. Sunday afternoon we'll be going to the library for a Read Across America event.

  2. It is birthday weekend at our house. Today my second daughter turns 15, and is having a few friends over for dinner and a movie night. Tomorrow is my husbands birthday. He and I are going out to dinner. Sunday it looks like we are house bound with an ice storm coming to our area.

  3. Tomorrow I will be taking my 14-year-old daughter out for lunch and shopping -- her choice for a special "Woman's Day Outing." She has passed a significant milestone, if you know what I mean, and I gave her a homemade gift certificate for a "Woman's Day Outing" of her choice. This is what she chose. I was pushing for high tea at a fancy hotel! Oh well.

    And I'd like to give a quick thank you to CatholicMominOz for hosting this blog and keeping our fragile community alive. Thank you!!

  4. We're visiting with friends tonight. Tomorrow morning, I'll be at a funeral for a friend's father. And then my Sunday is crazy again this weekend. RCIA Rite of Sending at 8 a.m. Mass and then First Eucharist parent meeting after that. Oh, and we're expecting ice on Saturday night and up to 8 inches of snow on Sunday. I'm so ready for spring!!!

    And you are so very welcome, Anne! I am having a blast with this blog.
