Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Fun Day!

What's on your mind today?  Big plans for the weekend?  Date night with the hubby? 


  1. Teacher games and snacks after school today! Yay! We plan on relaxing tomorrow. I have a big Sunday. Elementary religious education and RCIA in the morning and then Confirmation class after 10 a.m. Mass. Hopefully, we'll finally get our Christmas decorations put away. ;)

  2. My husband is working all weekend. Today my new laptop is being delivered, and I guess I'll have to play around with it on my own and see if I can figure it out. (In between taking care of my son, that is.)

  3. Ooh, as a Technology teacher, I love that you're getting a new laptop! ;) So glad we're finally "at home" on this website. I missed chatting with everyone!

    1. Wow, that's awesome that you're a technology teacher! I am a dinosaur. I don't even know how to text! My cell phone is a flip-phone. I don't have a Kindle, tablet or pad. It's a huge deal for me to get WiFi and a laptop that I can take with me on vacations so I don't have to go to the library to check my email! One of these days I'll join the new millennium...

  4. Haha! Yep, I teach Technology three days a week at our parish school and I'm the DRE the other days.

  5. Claire, I'm with you--dinosaur in the technology department. I'm a tad envious of your new laptop, though. I keep thinking about it...and then say 'no'. Today I had to buy a new mouse for my computer, and had to get wireless--it was all they had! On the bright side...I did one smart thing...I picked one with a lovely floral paisley design, so my boys won't take it! ;) (my strategy worked already, as the 14 yr old was first excited, then saddened to see what it looked like.) As for my weekend....can you say "tax season"? I must start getting things done...1099s due out this week is my first goal.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one, Mary Therese! I got a cordless mouse to go along with the laptop, because I prefer it to the touchscreen and touchpad. My husband broke my desktop computer last week, which is why we're getting the laptop. (My desktop was really old and would have needed to be replaced soon anyway. My husband has a newer desktop in the basement, which I am using with three space heaters on because it is freezing in upstate NY! My laptop delivery date has now been pushed back till Sunday, so it looks like a cold weekend for me!) Good luck with your taxes. We haven't gotten our W 2s yet, so we can't get started on them.
