Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Fun Day!

What's going on in your neck of the woods this weekend?  We have dance recital and then we'll be relaxing with my parents.  The weather is supposed to be nice, so we're hoping to do some grilling.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Crazy Lady

Anyone else go crazy before company arrives???  My parents are arriving today and I have a meeting for work this morning and dress rehearsal for recital this afternoon.  So the house had to be ready by the time I left today.  Aaaaahhhhhh!  They're my parents and they love me no matter what, right?  Their bed and bathroom will be spotless.  And they know we have two kids and a dog.  Right?

Whew!  Thanks for letting me get that out.  ;)  Are you as crazy as me?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Boogie Shoes

Dance recital madness begins today at our house.  Stage blocking this afternoon, dress rehearsal tomorrow afternoon, a show on Friday night, and another show on Saturday night.  And yes, I'm the backstage mom for our daughter's class.  It's a crazy time, but I enjoy every second!  I danced growing up and even taught while I was in college.  So it makes my heart happy to see our daughter enjoy it, as well.  I'll never forget when she was around six years old.  We were getting ready for the show to start.  She looked at me with a huge smile on her face and said, "Mommy, this is my time to shine!"  Yes, dear child, it is!

What sorts of activities do your kids participate in?

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Happy Tuesday!

Hi, ladies!  I spent Memorial Day in bed with severe allergies.  This has been our worst year in a long time.  Feeling human again this morning, thanks to many drugs and some extra sleep.

If I would've posted yesterday, I would've shared about the veterans I love.  My grandfather spent 26 months as a POW in a German prison camp during WWII.  My dad was stationed at Gitmo during Vietnam.  A dear friend was sent to the first Gulf war.  My brother-in-law was called up during the last Iraq war.  And although Memorial Day is a day to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, I can tell you that no soldier comes back from war the same as they left.

My grandfather battled the enemy in nightmares until he died.  He was deathly afraid of flying because of the old, falling apart plane the Germans flew him in from Africa to Germany.  Our friend who served during the Gulf war is but a shell of the young man he used to be.  They were exposed to some different chemicals and vaccinations that had not been used before.  When he returned, he was so sick.  He went round and round with the VA, but the government never officially classified the illness that he and so many others suffered from.  So he has been battling addiction ever since being "let go" by the system.  He is currently living in a group home because he can't take care of himself...and he's 45!

I grew up in an extremely patriotic family and my kids are growing up knowing that so many people have sacrificed so we can enjoy the freedoms we have.  I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day!

Tell us about your favorite veteran.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Gospel Reflection

I will not leave you orphans.  I can't think of one single time in my life when I truly felt alone.  Even in my darkest moments, I've always known that God was with me. I wonder how non-believers make it through tough times.  This passage also reminds me that no matter how I mess up, Christ is there with mercy and forgiveness.

What stood out for you?

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday Fun Day

Hi, ladies!  Please forgive my lack of posts this week.  I haven't had one free moment between wrapping up the school year, 8th grade graduation Mass, finishing the yearbook, etc.  We dismissed the kids at 11 a.m. today and our summer has officially started!  We'll say goodbye to Fr. Andy this weekend as he leaves to attend to his health.  We'll also do some more cleaning around the house.  My parents will be here next week!  We are so excited!

So what's been going on with you?  Any big plans for the holiday weekend?

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Planes, trains, and automobiles....

We're planning a trip to Baltimore for a family wedding this summer.  Our kids have never flown so I'm a tad nervous about how it will go.  Our daughter is afraid of loud noises, although she has gotten better over the last year.  But she was the first one to say she wanted to fly instead of drive when we asked them about it.  So my question this morning is...what have you done with your kids while traveling to ease their nervousness or simply make the trip more bearable?  Any tips or tricks you'd like to share?  Our kids are great car travelers, so I'm hoping a 2 1/2 hour plane ride will be a piece of cake.  A girl can hope and pray, right?  ;)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Gettin' close!

It's the last week of school!  It's the last week of school!  Can you tell I'm a tad excited?  As a teacher, I'm so ready for a break from lesson planning and grading.  As a mom, I can't wait for no homework!  As a DRE, I'm thankful to have the summer to renew my spirit and have a chance to prayerfully plan for next year. 

What do you do to celebrate the end of the school year?  Any special traditions?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Gospel Reflection

"I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  As a Catholic, I have to say that this passage always reminds me how lucky we are to have the Blessed Sacrament.  Any time I'm struggling with something, a dose of daily Mass can usually either clear my mind or calm my inner turmoil.  What a perfect gift from the Father...His only Son! 

What are your thoughts on this weekend's gospel?

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday Fun Day

What's going on with your family this weekend?  We, again, have nothing on the calendar.  So I'm sure we'll be cleaning in anticipation of my parents' visit in a couple weeks.  Hoping to finally get those grilled fajitas from my hubby and maybe I'll find time for a nap.  ;)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

Just some random makes my heart melt when I hear our kids talking "baby talk" to the new puppy.  My kitchen is a wreck and laundry is overflowing this week since we've had a busy couple weeks.  I'm hoping to talk my hubby into grilling fajitas this weekend.  I've had to turn off the news lately because it just depresses me.  And I desperately miss my grandparents!  My grandpa's last living sister died last week at 96 years old and it's had me thinking about them every second of the day. 

What's going through your mind today?  Is it as random as my thoughts? 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What about music?

I was lucky enough to grow up in a household where music was important.  We all played an instrument and my parents shared their love of music with us around the house, in the car, and even in my grandpa's bar on Sunday afternoons or the KC Hall on Friday nights.  So if you looked at my MP3 player today, you'd find quite an assortment of tunes, from Percy Sledge to the Eagles to Gregorian chant to the Urban Cowboy soundtrack to the latest line dances. 

What do you love to listen to?  What gets you motivated to clean around the house?  Or in the mood to exercise?  Or in the mood for some romantic time with your spouse?  Do you and he have a special song?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Escape for Two Hours

Seen any good movies lately?  We haven't.  I think the last movie we saw in the theater was Lone Survivor.  It was awesome!  With summer coming up, I'm starting to make my Netflix list of things to watch while we're out of school.  What would you put on the list?

Monday, May 12, 2014

Summer's Almost Here

The weather here has been really nice lately.  The kids at school are definitely ready for vacation.  And ditto that for the teachers!  Has me dreaming of lazy summer days....

What is your perfect summer day?  I would sleep in and then head to the pool.  After the pool, we usually stop and get the kids ice cream and I get a vanilla cherry Dr. Pepper.  Then we head home, take showers, grill dinner, and just relax.  We're lucky that our kids don't need a lot of "entertainment" to be happy.  So they are thrilled to hang out at the house. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we hear Jesus explaining how He is the "gate for the sheep."  All I could think while reading this passage was, "Thank goodness!"  I just can't imagine a life without my faith and the constant love of Christ.  I am friends with a former teacher on Facebook and he happens to be an atheist.  He's never disrespectful, but I find myself having to defend the belief in God.  Luckily, I'm not the only one on "our side."  Certainly keeps me on my spiritual toes!

What stood out for you this weekend?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday Fun Day

For the first time in months, I have NOTHING on my calendar for this weekend!  Aaaaahhhhhh!  We'll probably do some decluttering (we're trying to get our house ready to sell) and lots of relaxing.  The weather should be beautiful, so maybe we'll do some grilling.

What's on tap for you and your family this weekend?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Kids say the funniest things....

Yesterday, I was at the pet store with our daughter buying our puppy a bed to keep in my classroom since he's coming up to school with me everyday.  Yes, I have an awesome principal!  ;)  When I asked her if she was going to pay for the bed, she said no.  I jokingly said, "You need to get a job!"  Her response?  "I have a job, but I don't get paid.  You know, I go to school.  It's like an internship."  Haha!  She's nine, going on fifteen and keeps us laughing. 

What has one of your kids said lately that had you smiling? 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mother's Day Tributes

Well, this Sunday is Mother's Day, so I thought we could share stories of our moms.  My mom was a teenage mother, yet did everything in her power to make a great life for her and her girls.  She sacrificed much so that all four of us could have what we needed and, most of the time, what we wanted.  She wiped countless tears, sewed hundreds of dance costumes, and fed us delicious food.  There has never been a moment when I doubted her love for me and I just hope that I make her proud every single day.  I'm blessed to still have her on this earth and can't wait to see her at the end of May when her and my dad are coming for a visit.

Do you have a special story about your mom?  And happy early Mother's Day to each of you!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Tonight, forty-seven of our young people will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.  I remember my Confirmation being one of the first times I can remember really being moved by the Spirit.  I knew it was an important milestone, but it was a surprise that it touched me so deeply. 

What do you remember about your Confirmation?  What saint name did you choose and why?

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Gift of Grandparents

Today would have been my grandpa's birthday.  I'm sure he's having a glorious celebration in heaven with my grandma.  He died in 2000, but I still miss him like he was here yesterday.  My grandparents lived only five houses down from us so they were our second set of parents.  We spent just as much time, or even more, at their house than our own.  I could list for days the things I learned from him.  I still remember the day we sat on the swing set in the backyard and he taught me how to whistle.  He taught me that even when I did something I wasn't supposed to, he still loved me like crazy.  I knew that when he got home from work at the end of the day, I could reach into his chest pocket and find a pack of gum.  But most importantly, he showed me how a husband should treat his wife.  He wasn't an overly affectionate man, but I would sometimes walk into the kitchen and find him sneaking up behind my grandma at the stove and kissing her neck.  And when my grandma backed through not one, but two new garage doors, he never raised his voice or made her feel bad.  He simply got in the car, went back to Sears, and ordered a new one.  He worked hard to provide for his family and he never met a stranger.  He was known to send a certain granddaughter (I won't name any names) into the bathroom for a "time-out" and bring her a chair to sit on so she'd be comfortable.  Dang, I miss that man!

What memories do you have of your grandparents? 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we see Jesus meet two of the disciples on the road to Emmaus.  My favorite passage is after the disciples ask Jesus to stay with them in the village since nightfall is near.  As Jesus blesses and breaks bread with them, "their eyes were opened and they recognized him."  I love this!  Fr. Andy, just last weekend, told our second graders that during the Eucharistic prayer, their eyes should always be on Jesus.  And when the bells ring, they should look to the Blessed Sacrament and pray silently, "My Lord and my God!"  How beautiful! 

What stands out for you?

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday Fun Day

What does your weekend look like?  Our second graders are making their First Communion on Sunday afternoon and I'm speaking at a neighboring parish on Saturday evening.  Other than that, I'm hoping that our family will have some time to relax.  What about you?

Thursday, May 1, 2014

All Praise and Thanksgiving

Today is an exciting day for our diocese!  Our new bishop will be ordained at 2 p.m. this afternoon.  We've been without a Shepherd for a year now and we are all so very thankful to once again have a leader.  Welcome to Kansas, Bishop Carl Kemme!

In celebration of his ordination, he has proclaimed Friday a day of praise and thanksgiving in our diocese.  So all Catholic schools, diocesan offices, and parish offices are closed.  Can you tell we love him to pieces already???  ;) 

What are you thankful for today?  What in your life does God deserve praise for?