Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Fun Day

What's going on this weekend at your house?  Any big plans?  Something special happening?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cleaning 101

I would love for our family to have a set schedule around the house when it comes to cleaning.  As it is, we wash clothes as the dirty basket fills up and vacuum when we notice the carpet needs it.  What do you do at your house?  Do you have a schedule or fly by the seat of your pants, like we do?  Any and all ideas are welcome!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

For Better or For Worse

My husband has been laid off since last July.  For many reasons, it really stinks.  But most of all, it stinks because he sometimes feels useless and down on himself.  I've done my best to keep his spirits up and love him through it all.  But he is really getting discouraged.  This is the longest he's ever been laid off before and it's starting to wear on him.  How do you keep your hubby in good spirits?  What really makes his day?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Breakfast anyone?

Do you eat breakfast?  Every day?  What constitutes a healthy breakfast for you?  I'm usually in a rush in the morning and end up grabbing whatever I can eat in the car on the way to work.  And I detest oatmeal!  So I'm looking for healthy ideas that are quick and yummy.  Please share!

Monday, February 24, 2014

School Days

Just doing a little unscientific research here....  I'd love to hear what is being said about the new Common Core curriculum adopted by many states.  Did your child's school adopt it?  What about your area Catholic schools?  What is the word on the street in your neck of the woods?

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we hear Jesus teaching the disciples to love everyone, neighbor or enemy.  For the most part, I find this pretty simple and straightforward.  But I do struggle, not with loving everyone, but certainly with liking everyone.  What about you?  Did something else stand out to you in this Sunday's gospel?

Friday, February 21, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Grocery Shopping

Where do you grocery shop?  Do you use coupons?  Where do you find the best deals?  Please share.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lessons From Daddy

I don't know my biological father.  When he and my mother divorced, he walked away and never looked back.  Luckily, my mom remarried when I was three and he adopted my older sister and me and has been Daddy ever since.  When I think back, he taught me so many life lessons that I still carry with me today.  Most of all, he taught me about what kind of man I wanted to marry and be the father of my children.

What do you hope your children learn from your husband?  What has he already taught them?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Please, God!

Sorry I flaked on yesterday's post.  We all had a 4-day weekend and it honestly slipped my mind.  Enjoyed every second of being with my little family!

So, let's talk prayers today.  How do you make time for prayer when you're constantly bombarded by math homework, cooking dinner, looking for dance tights, and washing clothes?  Or is that just me?  Seems like some days, my only prayer is, "Please, God, get me through this day!"

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we hear Jesus clarifying some of the commandments.  The passage that caught my heart was when He says that we must reconcile with our brother before offering our gifts.  How many times have I done the work of God, with the best of intentions, while still harboring a grudge or carrying an unresolved conflict on my shoulders?

What stood out to you?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday Fun Day

Happy Valentine's Day!  Hubby and I don't usually trade gifts, so we'll probably just spend some time together after the kids are in bed.  We do give the kids a little treat.  This year, our son is getting a heart box filled with beef jerky (his favorite).  And our daughter is obsessed with Duck Dynasty, so her chocolate-filled heart has Uncle Si on the front.  Of course, we will have brownies and/or cake for dessert.

What are your plans for tonight?  This weekend?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Happy Home

As a working mom, I quickly realized that I can't do everything and that my house will very seldom be magazine cover worthy.  However, there are certain things that I like to have done before my head hits the pillow.  I must be able to walk through the living room without tripping on something and the kids must be prepared for the next morning, school clothes laid out and book bags packed.  What has to happen for you to rest easy at night?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Young Love

I was 18 when my hubby and I started dating.  I was in my freshman year in college and he was a cute, older guy (he was 21 and a senior!).  We were set up on a blind date and never looked back.  I didn't doubt for one second that God sent me the man He intended for me.  The bad news?  We went to different colleges, two and a half hours apart.  Needless to say, we burnt up the telephone lines and highways between the two as much as we could afford.  In between those times, we wrote letters...lots and lots of letters.  He would try and make sure I had something in the mail every couple days.  One of the things he would send me is cassette tapes.  He would record his thoughts about school, family, our relationship, etc.  I would play them while laying in my dorm room, aching to be in the same room with him.  I still have those letters, tucked away in a small trunk.  And when either of us feels like we're drifting apart, we write letters to the other.  It allows us to share our thoughts and feelings while also bringing us back to that time when we were young and newly in love and just couldn't bear to be away from each other.

What memories do you have of your dating days with your spouse?  What can you do to bring you back to those days and those feelings?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Staying Healthy

I've seen a lot of publicity lately about heart health for women.  Always makes me think about what I can do to keep myself healthy.  What do you do?  Take vitamins?  Exercise?  Share your tips and tricks.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Our kids are in a stage right now...the "I only want corn dogs or pizza for dinner" stage.  It makes my head spin!  I'm not one of those moms who make the kids sit at the table until they eat their broccoli.  Maybe I should be.  How do you get your kids to eat what you cook?  What are your kids' favorite meals?

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, Jesus makes a demand of be the light of the world.  Some days, this is certainly a daunting task.  When have you been successful at this?  Big or small, I'm sure that our Lord sees our efforts and knows our hearts.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Fun Day!

We are finally back at school today after three snow days.  What's going on in your neck of the woods?  Big plans for the weekend?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

I love sweets!

It's Mardi Gras season at our house and Valentine's Day is coming up, so let's talk dessert. What is your favorite?  Your hubby's favorite?  Feel free to share a recipe.  I won't complain. ;)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Better Half

Since my hubby has been laid off, he has become an awesome Mr. Mom for our kids and for me.  He helps in the mornings before school, he keeps the kitchen clean, and usually has something cooking when we get home from school.  All these things are awesome, but it's the little things he does that really touch my heart.  He's been known to clear my windshield of ice and snow so I don't have to do it in freezing weather.  He rubs the kinks out of my neck when they bother me.  But most of all, he's always my biggest cheerleader, encouraging me to follow my dreams.  Let's brag on our men today.  What's something he's done for you lately, big or small?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Girly Treats

A friend asked on Facebook today if there was such a thing as too many pairs of boots.  While I don't have too many pairs of boots, I do enjoy treating myself every once in a while.  I love stopping by my favorite bakery for a salted caramel cupcake.  I live for the day I can get my hair cut and colored.  And don't get me started about how happy I am when I find a new pair of jeans that fit AND look good.  ;)  How do you pamper yourself?  When is the last time you took a moment to do something just for you?  Are you overdue?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Family is everything!

As I sit here watching halftime of the Super Bowl, our kids are in the other watching a movie and one on his tablet.  Sadly, our children don't share our love of football.  Still haven't quite figured out how that happened!  But we do share other loves.  We all love a good road trip.  We love watching movies.  And we all love supporting our hometown minor league baseball team.  What does your family love to do together?  What is a special tradition you all enjoy?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Gospel Reflection

This weekend, we see Mary and Joseph presenting Jesus in the temple.  They willingly did what God asked of them and then went back to Nazareth where "the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him."  Luke 2:40  How do you pass the faith onto your own children?  How was the faith passed on to you?